27 April 2009

108 Poems #108

Rain comes down softly, then hard, then soft again

A robin hops, pauses, turns tail

[27 April 09]


Uku said...

Wonderful 108th poem! :)

Thank you!

veggieinlove said...

I admire not only your ability in writing simple yet beautiful poems but also your discipline in completing your second 108 project (poems). Thank you very much for sharing!

your No.1 fan

Barry said...

The last poem appears,
Prompting another comment.
Enter "interfl" and press "publish"

Alice said...

Congrats on the 108!
Beep Beep...Swoooosh!!!! (Road Runner)

Puerhan said...

Thank you Uku, Veggieinlove, Barry and Alice and all those other readers who have followed along.

Actually it finally dawned on me this evening what your response poem refers to Barry! Brilliant! :-)

Alice said...

You have been given the Honest Scrap Award. It’s on my post today. Thanks for your discipline and beautiful poems! What will come next?

Melissa Donovan said...

Oh yes, your poems are short, and wonderful. Very nice work.